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The final component of Antony Gormley's 6 Times Horizon arrived in Bonnington today, in a backwater to the east of Newhaven Road.

Contractors MTEC – a firm specialising in the installation of artworks nationwide – set to work early, clearing submerged masonry from the riverbed to provide a level surface for the sculpture's base-plate. This was swung into position by a very large crane parked in Anderson Place.

Next, the figure itself was lowered into place and attached. The rubble was then restored to its former appearance midstream.

Of all the Gormley figures, this is perhaps the most hidden, partially obscured by a willow beside one of the quietest sections of the Water of Leith walkway.

Because of its comparative seclusion, proximity to the bank and the shallowness of the water here, it is also one of the most vulnerable to vandalism.

6 Times Horizon will be officially launched at a press call at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art on 22 June. Spurtle's Ross Maclean will give a considered view of the work as a whole in Issue 184 (published on 1 July).
