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Congratulations to Powderhall Bronze Ltd for superb restoration work on Sir Eduardo Paolozzi’s Manuscript of Monte Cassino sculpture group at the top of Broughton Street, writes John Ross Maclean. 

Recently, purple aerosol graffiti besmirched the great foot, and obscure lettering was incised on its rear. These and other imperfections were effaced by a chemical solution. 

All three components were washed, and an intensive process involving a triple appliction of brown wax, repeated buffing, and similar treatment with white wax was carried out by the Powderhall Bronze task force on 17/18 December.

The sculpture group now virtually glows in the pristine state first seen when it was unveiled in 1991.

It is especially wonderful that the complex open hand has been ‘cleansed’. The fissures, hollows and crevices had inevitably got clogged with leaves, bird bestowals and fetid water.

Might some voluntary (church?) body consider doing a weekly clear-up here in future, especially with adventurous children in mind?

I’d happily lend a hand. 


 Roberta Buchan I didn't realise this was all happening but it's great to learn that damage has been effaced and the sculptures restored. They are a fitting suite of works to be in such a site reminding us of events that are past but also resonate with the present. For me they speak of what it is to be human.

@theSpurtle was looking splendid when I passed by earlier today too!