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Submitted by Editor on

On Thursday 19 February, I toured the new recycling arrangements in the Bellevue/Melgund area,writes Fred Street of the New Town Clean Streets Campaign. 

Here are the results of that survey.

The contents of every bin except one were significantly contaminated with waste which should not have been in there – whether cardboard in a blue-topped paper bin, or food, glass bottles, black sacks, builders' rubble in the new 'mixed recycling' bins.

But this is consistent with the results of every other recycling survey I have carried out. City of Edinburgh Council must be aware of the poor quality of what is being collected. Why does it not seem to matter to them?

I think the explanation has to be that CEC has negotiated a price per tonne to ship this off to China, where it becomes someone else's problem, or where some poor soul is being paid to sift through it all again.

Do any readers have alternative theories? Or would someone from CEC or one of our local councillors be able to shed some light on the economics of this? 

And what is the best course of action? Make a fuss about this, or just all carry on  'improving' CEC's recycling rates in this way?

1. Melgund Terr east end, blue-topped paper bin – cardboard

2. Melgund Terrace west end, large new green mixed recycling bin – rubble, black sacks, nappies.

3.and 4.  Bellevue St, SW end, large new mixed recycling bin – trays of out-of-date foodstuffs, glass bottles, black sacks.

5. Bellevue Road north, large new mixed recycling bin – glass bottles, black sacks.

6. Bellevue Road south, large new mixed recycling bin – OK, though almost empty.

Got a view? Tell us at and @theSpurtle and Facebook 


See: Letters (23.2.15).