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Submitted by Editor on

Feast your eyes on Reay: a handsome Bengal.

From this photograph, you'd be forgiven for thinking he's all muscles and right hook. But while his owners admit he may not be 'too bright', they insist he's friendly, and has a softer side and finer feelings.

Reay went missing from Dublin Street last weekend when his brother Cato was taken away to the vet with a serious virus. The theory is that Reay wandered  off looking for him. 

Happily, Cato is now back home and fully restored, but Reay's still out on the prowl and is seriously missed by all concerned.

Can any reader help? Reay is big, friendly, microchipped, neutered, and has a small nick in one ear (the least of his problems).

Please report any sightings to Elizabeth on: Mob. 07980 756 726.


@theSpurtle - #Cat, as opposed to #tiger, I presume? : ) Hope you find it.

 Alison Auldjo Poor puss