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Submitted by Editor on

I don’t drive. I can drive but I don’t need to. I live in Broughton and work in the centre of town, which means I can walk to where I need to go. 

The problem with being a pedestrian in this town is the cars. I’m finding it increasingly difficult to contain my pedestrian rage because the drivers treat us with so little respect. When we want to cross the road we become an inconvenience to them. 

One of the worst things that I encounter on the streets of Broughton is the drivers who seem to think that indicating is optional. It’s one of the simplest things a driver can do. All you need is to push a lever up or down, and yet many simply refuse to do it. 

Drummond Place has become increasingly dangerous due to the lack of indicating. The cars speed around the square like it’s a Formula 1 circuit, and when they need to turn at a junction they just go for it. Every day you take your life in your hands when crossing at the bottom of Dublin Street. Drivers turn at the last moment and they never slow down.

However, there is something worse than the lack of indicating in Broughton. That’s the drivers who know that they are in the wrong but decide that they want to hide their mistake. They realise they’re being inconsiderate, but they want to make damn sure that they’re the boss of the roads. These people are the late indicators

Late indicators wait until you’re halfway over the road before turning. They can see that you’re crossing but this is their town, and their journey is more urgent than yours, and they won’t brake for anyone. So they indicate. They indicate as if to say I’ve let you know that I’m turning, but you’d better run now or there won’t be a next time

The lowly pedestrian has little choice but to skip ahead just in case the driver fails to slow, and is left on the side of the pavement, red-faced and angry. Anyone watching a second later would see the car indicating and probably assume it had been the pedestrian who'd been in the wrong.   

Maybe next time I’ll take a stand. I'll stare down those drivers and tell them there's no point in indicating, that it's quite clear they're turning the corner whether I'm there first or not. 

If I live to tell the tale, I’ll be sure to let you know.

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I'm late to this. . .great photo pool campaigning for a better Edinburgh for pedestrians