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Stockbridge and Inverleith Community Council (S&ICC) is broadly supportive of City of Edinburgh Council’s intervention on the St Stephen’s Church clock chime (Breaking news, 2.9.14; 3.9.14).

Some locals have reacted to the news with alarm and astonishment.

Until 13 October, S&ICC seems to have communicated publicly only that it was awaiting a report from CEC about its recent meeting with relevant parties and so could not comment further.

A worried local, Clive Johnson-Cooper, felt that this was too weak a stance since:

  • It did not reflect widespread local support for the bell to continue as before.
  • It did not suggest that any pressure was being applied to CEC to maintain the status quo.

On Monday he reiterated to S&ICC that only one sound reading had marginally exceeded the guideline limit, and that in his opinion there is no obligation for CEC to take action other than to investigate.

‘Regardless of what meetings the council has had to date,’ Johnson-Cooper continued, ‘could you let me know what proactive actions the Community Council has taken and what your position is? The issue has been ongoing for months therefore I find it hard to believe that you do not seem to have a position on the issue.’

Yesterday Stephen Brennan, chair, replied:

S&ICC do have a position (as agreed at our last meeting) that if this clock is causing a noise nuisance and this has been objectively verified by the Council (using noise measuring equipment)  then steps should be taken to resolve the issue ...  which they are.

I cannot see this as being any different from a late night noise issue from a fast food premises causing noise through the night.

It will come as no surprise to learn that dismissing a much-loved 189-year-old bell as equivalent to the racket coming out of a chippy has not been universally appreciated. At the very least, such wording gives the impression of trivialising what is, to many people, a matter of heartfelt importance.

Regardless of the case's rights and wrongs, there are clearly questions for S&ICC to answer about how accurately it reflects local opinion on this matter, and how effective it has been in communicating its view to its 'constituency'. 

S&ICC meets tonight at 7pm in Stockbridge Parish Church. We anticipate a lively exchange of opinions.

Got a view? Let us know at: and @theSpurtle and Facebook 


@theSpurtle Sensible compromise would be for chimes to sound from 0800 to 2100

@alexjball1952 @theSpurtle That would not sort the issue of individuals that work shifts, other option is to slightly dampen the noise

@cjohnsonedin_c Daytime background noise levels are much higher, so bells don't stand out in daytime context @alexjball1952 @theSpurtle

@theSpurtle A lot of bluster from Circus Lane. Does this also exceed WHO guidelines? Sensible compromise is the answer.

@theSpurtle @stockbridgetwit Why did the bell end?

@davidlloydreid @stockbridgetwit The knob fell off.

@theSpurtle Lived opposite since 1981, how can chime for all these years and now people complain? Let them prove damage/distress #Chimes

 Iain Penman ‏@IainPenman 16 minutes ago

@theSpurtle @stockbridgetwit Thanks for highlighting this issue. I feel strongly the chimes should be reinstated.

@theSpurtle @davidlloydreid @stockbridgetwit those aren't jokes, they're clangers.

@cjohnsonedin_c Also no-one has complaint about DAYTIME noise levels, but perhaps CEC should check these out too?@alexjball1952 @theSpurtle

 Richie Black ‏@PhatDogBites  4 minutes ago

@theSpurtle 'mon the bell! #stockbridge #Edinburgh 

 New Town Flâneur ‏@NewTownFlaneur  2 hours ago

@theSpurtle Poor bell-ringer deserves a few hours' rest. Must be knackered having to cater to those wanting their bell rung all night long.

@IainPenman @theSpurtle @stockbridgetwit Thanks for attending the meeting and the points you raised.Hope the council will see sense

@theSpurtle do let us know what the point you raised was

@NTCleanStreets Not sure which if any Spurtle regulars attended. May have been Spurtle lurkers/stringers in the room. Will enquire.

Cross locals to sound off at Stockbridge & Inverleith CC tonight? Bell row rumbles on:  #noise

@theSpurtle Oh yes they did!! It was definitely a #HeatedDebate at one point! #Stockbridge #StStephensChurch