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Problems continue around Batley’s cash-and-carry in Bellevue, where waiting delivery lorries clog McDonald Place and Street whilst waiting to enter the yard.

Batleys management insist that each driver has a designated time slot in which to arrive, and should not turn up before.

It’s good in theory, but the reality is that huge HGVs freqently do arrive early, sometimes first thing in the morning, sometimes with their engines chugging away, often obstructing neighbours’ driveways or blocking cars which are legitimatedly parked in permit-only spaces.

And it’s not just one lorry at a time. Both streets are occasionally lined from end to end with the intimidating bulk and height of lorries.

Nor is it simply anti-social. ‘We have a lot of pre-school children and elderly people in the street,’ one resident told Spurtle. ‘This is unacceptably dangerous.’

Batleys do not condone the practice, and have promised to remind drivers (who are not their employees) about the rules. But in practical terms, the area currently serves as an overspill carpark for the business.

Locals have now contacted Ward 12’s Councillor Nick Gardner, who has championed their cause in the past.

He is pursuing the matter with Council officials and we await developments.


 Martin Bubba Scott It is just as bad on Broughton street. Trucks arrive 7 days a week to collect the glass bottles from pubs and clubs at 5 am. Not only does the noise of the trucks wake the local residents but so does the sound of the smashing bottles.

@theSpurtle Apart from anything else lorries of this sort of size just shouldn't be permitted in residential areas.

@theSpurtle AND I wonder if there are any conditions attached to the planning approval that may prevent this sort of thing.

Fergus Smith Fergus Smith ‏@oldscotbooks
@CityCycling @theSpurtle Also those must be *massive* caramel wafers if that's an 8 pack ...