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Broughton bade farewell to the last element of Paolozzi's 'Manuscript of Monte Cassino' today. 

On a rainy, cold and rather dispiriting Wednesday lunchtime, a small crowd gathered to witness the removal. 

Present were members of the Press, passers-by, and Sir Tom Farmer (right). 

It was his generosity that had brought the artwork to this corner of Edinburgh back in 1991. 

Also at hand were members of the Cockburn Association, who, coincidentally, were making a site visit in advance of their submission to the Council's consultation on the future design of Picardy Place.

Slowly, and with immense care, the Foot was hoist into the air. An anxious Sir Tom looked on.

Higher and higher …

before being gently lowered onto the flatbed.

Bound, temporarily, for nearby Hillside Garden.

The three Paolozzi pieces have been moved to facilitate the laying of underground infrastructure beneath the 'development island' and potential tramstop. For now they were in the safe hands of the mysterious Mr Muff and friend.

Slowly does it.

The moment the driver sounded his horn. (The Spurtle photographer has not recovered.)

Farewell, old friend.

We'll miss you.

Haste ye back.
