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Logie Green resident Kayleigh Cameron is a professional dancer, dance instructor and part of the management team for the newly formed 'Fierce Pro Dance Squad'.

Combining hip hop, jazz, cheerleading and gymnastics styles, they're hoping to take the east of Scotland by storm at sporting, promotional and charity events, and are now looking for fresh talent.


Auditions will be held tomorrow (7 May) at Drummond Community High School, where female dancers and/or gymnasts, aged 18–37, are invited to 'strut their stuff' between 11am and 3pm. 


Kayleigh – a former Broughton Primary School pupil – has been dancing since she was 2, and turned professional at the age of 13. Ten years on she has clear opinions about the qualities she wants potential team members to display.


'They don't need professional experience, but  must be reliable, confident and brimming over with spark and extra pazazz.'


The team are booked for events in May–June, and will be putting in an appearance at the Leith Festival.


For more information email: