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If you've travelled anywhere around Broughton on foot over the last few weeks, chances are you've walked past one of these 'fallen angels'.

The striking pavement stencils are the work of the Albany Street-based Rock Trust, and publicise this year's Sleep Out Challenge next month.

The event aims to raise awareness of homelessness by encouraging people of all ages to 'sleep rough' for one night of entertainment and fundraising on 7 November (7pm–7am). Money will go to support young homeless people in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

Those taking part will experience the discomfort of trying to sleep on cardboard boxes on a hard, cold floor during the winter. But while the event is designed to show solidarity and raise awareness of the problem, organisers are quick to point out that it does not replicate the true misery, hopelessness, hunger and danger suffered by homeless people in any way.

In fact, the flagship event in Festival Square sounds a lot of fun. Entertainment includes: a bungee run, giant Jenga, circus skills, Cuckoo's Bakery cupcakes, the Loud & Proud Choir, live music from Bobby Micholson, juggling street performers, swingball, tug-o'-war, a shelter-building contest, competitive onesie-wearing,  a silent disco, and porridge.

Each participant has a target fundraising sum of £250, each team a target of £1,250. In conjunction with seven other events around the UK, the aim is to raise over £500,000.

You can’t just turn up. You must register first. You can find out more by reading this Information PackYou can volunteer to help by emailing If you can't turn up on the night but would like to make a donation, follow this link to find out how.

The Rock Trust works with 16–25-year olds across Edinburgh and the Lothians, among whom there were 1,956 homeless individuals (in hostels, couch-surfing, crashing with friends) in 2011–12. The Rock Trust advises and supports young people by helping them 'to build the personal skills and resources required to make a positive and healthy transition to adulthood, while avoiding or moving on from homelessness'. Services include:

  • advice and drop-in centre
  • one-to-one support, at its offices or the young person’s accommodation
  • group programmes, including sport, gardening, cooking etc.
  • opportunities for volunteering and work experience
  • respite place to stay for those needing time away from their situation
  • mediation to build positive relationships
  • supported housing in shared or single accommodation.