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The new Community Cinema in the middle of Broughton continues this coming Friday with two screeenings aimed at children and families in the afternoon, and adults in the evening.

Below, programmers James Mooney and Rory Bonass preview what's in store.

Amélie (2001), 122 minutes, Certificate 15

As Valentine’s Day approaches, our season of films set in capital cities arrives in Paris, which forms the backdrop to Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s quirky romantic comedy, Amélie.

Set across 80 locations in the city, Amélie is the whimsical story of a waitress who - having suffered an isolated childhood due to a non-existent heart complaint - decides to dedicate her life to bringing happiness to others. Her mission sees her reunite someone with a long-lost box of childhood memorabilia, rekindle her father’s desire to travel by sending his garden gnome on a round-the-world trip, save the greengrocer’s assistant from his abusive boss, and much much more.

Yet, despite her ability to bring joy to those around her, Amelie’s own life remains tinged with loneliness – that is, until a chance meeting with a young man who collects discarded passport photographs from photo booths affords her an opportunity for love.

Amélie is a film full of beauty and warmth. It encourages us to think about friendship, love, community, and how we can help make the world a better place through a mere kind word or act. Come and join us in celebrating the joie de vivre!—JM

Doors open 7.00pm. Tickets £6.00 on the night, book ahead online, £7.48. The screening will be preceded by a short introduction and followed by an opportunity for informal discussion. Refreshments will be available plus delicious nibbles from Crombies.

The Book of Life (2014), 95 minutes, Certificate U

Inspired by the folk myths of the Mexican underworld, this musical adventure follows a familiar enough pattern: La Muerte, the Ruler and Queen of the Land of the Remembered, and Xibalba, the Ruler of the Forgotten, make a bet on the fates of three childhood friends – Manolo, María and Joaquín. 

The bet hinges of which boy María will fall in love with, and the victor wins the right to control the entire underworld. Classic kids' story, right? 

While the Latin American approach to death differs greatly to our own Western understanding of it, this is a beautiful tale about the most familiar of familial traits: love, loyalty and honesty to oneself.

With wonderful songs, an exciting story and some astoundingly colourful visuals, it’s the perfect pre-Valentine's treat.—RB

This screening is suitable for all ages, and we welcome family groups. Doors open 2.00pm. Tickets £5 on the day, book ahead online £6.44. Under-5s go free.


If you've seen either of these films already, Spurtle would love to know what you think. If you'd like to comment after Friday's screenings, we're also keen to hear more. Contributions of any length are welcome at and Facebook and @theSpurtle