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Redevelopment of the site at 1 Canonmills Bridge (currently home to Earthy) may be a step closer.

In May last year we reported how Glovart Holdings Ltd had finally received planning consent for its mix of  2 restaurants, 6 flats and 3 townhouses (Ref. 09/00830/FUL; Breaking news, 15.5.13)

Now a new owner, Edinburgh-based Mountlake Ltd, has applied for a change of use ‘from Class 3 to retail [and] erection 6 flats and 3 townhouses and minor alterations to elevations’.

(The minor alterations refer to changes from the recently agreed proposals, not the major departures from the current nineteenth-century structure which would be demolished.)

Spurtle yesterday morning approached Mountlake’s architects Fouin + Bell for an explanation of the new application (the minor alterations, for example, which weren’t obvious at all to us). So far, no-one from the firm has replied.

Regarding the change from Class 1 retail (food) use to Class 3, we understand  this is an additional rather than replacement use, so would not seem to limit Earthy’s current mixed offer or that of another business there in future. We remain concerned, however, at any change of use which might make the ground-floor premises of interest to a supermarket.

Until we receive clarification, we are taking what comfort we can from the confident assertion of a senior Earthy manager last year who told us that ‘We’re here, we’re stable, we’re not going anywhere.’