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Submitted by Editor on

Below is the advice issued to Leith Walk (Ward 12) by-election candidates this evening in advance of tomorrow's hustings event from 7.15–9.15pm in Broughton St Mary's Parish Church, Bellevue Crescent. 

If you have a burning question but are unable to attend, e-mail it to us in advance and we'll try to fit it in.

Dear Candidates

We're really looking forward to hearing from you at tomorrow evening's event. 

The precise format is a little flexible depending upon how many candidates and how many audience members with questions turn up. 

Our impression of the General Election hustings in May was that audience members were frustrated. Candidates had too long to repeat previously rehearsed lines. The result was sometimes a bit unilluminating.

So, tomorrow evening, there will be a chance for a 2-minute uninterrupted introduction detailing your experience, skills and aspirations.

Answers thereafter should be BRIEF and PLENTIFUL. As Chair, I'll  try and restrict answers to a little over a minute, with 10–15 seconds to wind-up if you overrun.

The questioner will then have a chance to follow-up with a secondary question or observation addressed to a particular candidate. That candidate can very briefly respond.

Please don't waffle. It drives everyone mad, especially when we have so many candidates. If you have nothing to say or forget what you meant to say, just stop. Previous audiences have always appreciated candour and succinctness.

Don't worry. I intend to be brisk and breezy and fair. Spurtle hustings in the past have been well mannered and enjoyable, and this should be no exception

Please arrive by 7.00pm at the latest, so that we can get you comfortably settled in.

Best wishes

Alan McIntosh
