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As expected, Kingsford Developments have appealed to the Scottish Government concerning City of Edinburgh Council’s decision earlier this month to refuse planning permission for their redevelopment of 154 McDonald Road (Breaking news, 6.11.13).

Kingsford’s appeal was received on 21 November.

No reporter has yet been allocated to the case, and a decision is not expected until well into the New Year.


Khushi’s have won planning permission for their proposed rear extension and building of 2 new semi-detached 3-storey mews buildings at the 10–11 Antigua Street restaurant (Ref. 13/03608/FUL).

Some local residents’ doubts were allayed following consultation with Khushi staff and architects earlier this year, and consequent redrawing of the original plan (Breaking news, 15.1.13; 2.7.13; Issue 219). But, material objections were still sent in concerning:
  • infringement of privacy;
  • noise from deliveries and waste collection;
  • noise from customers outside;
  • on-street parking problems. 

Officials, however, found that the plans were acceptable in this location and would not adversely affect the character or appearance of the conservation area or listed building. They also said that the proposal would not be detrimental to residential amenity or road safety.

Significant noise would not break out of the ‘utilitarian’ extension, and ‘The proposed communal garden associated with the new mews dwellings will substantially improve the appearance of the rear ground of the listed tenement on Antigua Street by introducing green landscaping and trees in place of tarmac’.

Conditions attached to the consent included replacement of two rowan trees already removed without permission, and the presence early on in the development of archaeologists in case any historic remains are found at what is potentially an interesting site.

You can download the whole report from the foot of this page.