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Save Leith Walk campaigners have urged locals to reject Drum Property’s revised scheme for Stead’s Place. 

As reported HERE last week, the developers have tweaked their first design, most notably by reducing the height of proposed buildings on Leith Walk by one storey. 

Campaigners says this does not address fundamental problems with the scheme, and they urge their supporters to make this clear by sending in objections for a second time to 18/04349/CON and 18/04332/FUL. The deadline for doing so is 21 December.

A spokesperson for the campaign said today, ‘The revised proposal would still see the block demolished and it does nothing to address the deep-seated concerns felt by local people that this scheme is completely out of character for the conservation area.’

A decision on the planning application is expected by the end of January 2019.

In the meantime, SLW campaigners have issued the artist’s impression below, showing what a retained and reinvigorated Stead’s Place could look like as ‘a thriving community hub’.