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Inverleith Park, Victoria Park, Hopetoun Crescent Gardens and London Road Gardens have retained their coveted Green Flag awards this summer, alongside 20 others in the capital to be so recognised.

The Awards have been run since 1996 by a consortium comprising Keep Britain Tidy, Greenspace and the conservation volunteering organisation BTCV. They represent a 'benchmark against which our parks and green spaces are measured'. Applicants are judged against eight criteria on the extent to which they are:

  • Welcoming
  • Healthy, safe and secure
  • Clean and well maintained
  • Sustainable
  • Respect conservation and heritage
  • Promote community involvement
  • Have a marketing strategy and provide useful information
  • Are soundly managed.

Readers harbouring doubts about the City of Edinburgh Council's ability to manage anything more complicated than a paper bag may perhaps have to think again.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday 25th July, the Inverleith Park Depot – until recently destined to be sold off and turned into luxury housing – will hold an open day between noon and 4pm. Lovers of green spaces and lawnmower smells are cordially invited.