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Submitted by Editor on

In January of this year, City of Edinburgh Council refused permission for Batleys Limited (the wholesale cash and carry on McDonald Place) to permanently extend its delivery and loading hours from 7am–8pm on Monday–Saturday and 8.30am–noon on Sundays (Breaking news, 21.1.14).

They wanted to preserve the amenity of local residents, some of whom had complained of disruption by lorries and crashing cages.

Batleys then went to the Scottish Government to appeal this decision, and was partially successful (Ref. PPA-2302114; see pdf at foot of this page). On 19 June, the Reporter decided that extending hours to 7am–8pm (Mondays–Saturdays) would not entail undue disturbance. However, he determined against unloading or delivery outwith these hours, including on ‘sensitive’ Sundays.

You might think that was a sensible compromise. Batleys, however, does not agree. 

It has now applied to the Council again, again seeking permission to allow Sunday hours from 8.30am until noon (Ref. 14/02893/FUL). Its agent says, ‘The cash and carry has opened on Sundays for many years and customers expect this service from Batleys. However, following the recent appeal decision [...] Sunday deliveries have ceased.’

And whose fault is that? As one local put it to the Spurtle: 'Oh dear, how sad, never mind.'

Nobody has stopped Batleys trading on Sundays. Only its uploads and deliveries are affected. We hope the Council will stick to its guns and allow local people one day a week of comparative peace and quiet.

The closing date for comments to the Council on this is 7 August.

Who do you think should have priority – a valuable 'local' business or a handful of residents digging their heels in? Tell us by email:  or Twitter: @theSpurtle  or Facebook: Broughton Spurtle 


@theSpurtle I'm sorry but with a name like 'Batleys' (apostrophe??) what can one expect? yrs., Esme McWhankie, Morningside (via McD. Place)