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Cornerstone Development seeks permission to convert the Edinburgh City Football Club at 7–8 Baxter’s Place into five residential flats (Ref. 14/03702/FUL). 

An existing dwelling on the top two floors requires no planning permission since it will just be upgraded internally.

Most of the flats will be reached from a common stair with the remaining one above the Italian Caffé and Restaurant to be accessed by its own main door. A common close, formed by enclosing the current steps, will link all doors to the pavement.

Apart from refurbishment of windows and the removal of extractor vents, no changes are proposed to the exterior of the Category A-listed building.

The building, completed in 1800, was refurbished in 1976 at which point anything of architectural interest within was stripped out. It is now occupied mostly by members of a social club, and has been popular in recent years as a comedy venue in the Fringe.


Plans have been submitted to change the Gurkha Brigade restaurant at 9a Antigua Street (Ref. 14/03714/FUL). 

The proposal entails a new shopfront, and building of a groundfloor extension to the rear to make room for additional seating.

Spurtle found the plans rather short on detail. It is difficult to tell, for example, just how many more customers will be seated in the premises.

Whilst nothing obviously controversial leaps from the page, we are mindful of the unexpected differences which arose between restaurateurs and local residents which arose when Khushi's first tried to extend to the rear next door at the start of last year (Breaking news, 26.11.13).

That extension now appears to be nearing completion (see photo below). Will there be another such flare-up this time? 

Finally, for those readers who were wondering about the name, the Gurkha Brigade is of course so called because of its distinctive Nepalese cookery.