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The first of the 4 new Antony Gormley sculptures destined to stand actually in the Water of Leith was today exclusively photographed by Spurtle.

The metal human figure – part of 6 Times Horizon (Issue 183) – will stare contemplatively into the pool behind Bell's Mill Weir in Belford, just where a bridge and steps lead up to the Gallery of Modern Art.

First thing this morning, contractors made preparations and repositioned the sculpture under the watchful eye of a gently perspiring National Galleries official.

[img_assist|nid=822|title=|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=150|height=200]A number of variables – including wind speed and water level – could affect how long it will take to complete the installation, but a source on the spot conservatively estimated it would take several hours. The entire work will be in place later this month, with an opening ceremony scheduled for 22 June.

This particular figure will emerge from the water by standing on a submerged plinth. A similar arrangement will be used for the one in St Mark's Park. Plans of the ingenious fixings can be seen at

Spurtle will return to the scene later today and report progress.