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Planning permission is now being sought for the complete demolition of 1 Canonmills (Ref. 15/01786/CON). But don't expect to see the wrecking ball anytime soon

Fouin+Bell Architects  Ltd have put in the application on behalf of Glovart Holdings, based in Canon House at 20 Canonmills.

As reported in Breaking news (15.5.13), permission was granted two years ago for a new mixed-use development here of 3 townhouses, 6 flats, and 2 restaurants. Amendments to that plan were submitted last summer (Breaking news 16.7.14) and rejected in February 2015 on the grounds that: 

The proposal is contrary to policies Env 6 Conservation Areas - Development and Des 3 Development Design of the Edinburgh City Local Plan and the Council's Edinburgh Design Guidance as the proposed development by reason of its scale, form and design is detrimental to the character and appearance of the Inverleith Conservation Area.

The new proposal to demolish looks alarming to opponents of the scheme, but may not be quite as bad as it appears. At least one observer believes that this may simply  be a procedural manoeuvre designed to bring all elements of the approved 2013 scheme up to date.

Spurtle spoke to Earthy director Patricia Stephen this morning. She has always been aware of plans to redevelop the site, but given the 'tremendous welcome we received from locals,  and the flourishing state of the business here, we are looking to renegotiate our return into any new building.

'We confidently expect to be in situ in the current property at least until April 2016, and more likely for a year or more after that.'

Around 40 staff are currently employed in the Canonmills branch. In the event of it having to close, every effort would be made to relocate them within the company’s other two branches at Causewayside and Portobello.