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Submitted by Editor on

Back in the summer, we reported on Batleys' application to vary the conditions of its planning permission (Ref. 14/02893/FUL; Breaking news, 23.7.14). 

The popular cash and carry wanted to open on Sundays between 8.30am and noon. 

Many locals on McDonald Place and nearby streets thought this was a rotten idea. They already have to put up with six days of rattling cages, throbbing engines and peeping reverse-warnings. Could they not enjoy just one morning in seven undisturbed?

We now learn that the Council’s Development Subcommittee has finalised its decision on this matter and decided to refuse the application:

The proposal is contrary to Edinburgh City Local Plan Policy Hou 8 in respect of Inappropriate Uses in Residential Areas, as the operation of the premises on Sundays would result in unacceptable levels of noise and disturbance to the occupiers of neighbouring residential properties, seven days a week, without any respite, to the detriment of their residential amenity in this area of predominantly residential character.

Spurtle applauds this minor victory for common sense and peace and quiet.