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It may not quite match the thunderous rumblings and counter-rumblings of the current debtate about the old Royal High School.

But in its own way, the mixture of farce and controversy surrounding the garage on East Scotland Street Lane is every bit as important to locals. It does, after all, raise serious questions about the fitness for purpose of the planning system and the way in which that system is applied in Edinburgh (see Issue 244, p.2).

Spurtle learns that Andrew Bennie Planning Limited – new owners of the garage – have appealed City of Edinburgh Council’s decision to refuse change of use to a studio office (Ref. PPA-230-2154).

ABGP argue that CEC’s decision was flawed because use as an office would not have any materially detrimental effect upon the standard of the living conditions currently enjoyed by existing residential properties closest to the property.

They say the long-standing tennis courts opposite are far more likely to generate noise and activity, but have never been the object of complaint.

And they point out that the Council has already consented a similar conversion to office space at 8 East Scotland Street Lane, which has attracted no complaints.

They further claim that the change of use involves no change in appearance of the property, therefore it will have no impact upon the integrity of the surrounding Conservation Area.

On this last point, they appear to have overlooked the fact that – with the roller blind up – it does not look like a garage, which is the only use for which we understand it currently has permission to function. (In the top photo on this page, the property in question is the one on the right.)

A Reporter will inspect the site on Thursday 17 September. Whilst local residents will be able to point out features that relate to the appeal, the Reporter will not be able to enter into any detailed discussion of the case.

Laugh, cry, tear your hair out or be the pattern of patience – you decide.

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