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In what sounds like a major project , the Royal Botanic Garden wants to redevelop its existing back-of-house glass houses and buildings to create improved research, education and support facilities (Ref. 12/03736/PAN). It also seeks to refurbish the existing listed public glasshouses.

Areas affected are: the Herbarium and Balfour Building; the long thin glasshouses which currently house the fish tanks at one end and desert plants at the other; the old palm houses; and the variously hot and steamy glasshouses at the north-east corner of the site.

The work will, say the Botanics, allow them to 'maintain Scotland's world class status in plant conservation and science'.

Leith Walk-based architects Smith Scott Mullen Associates have been appointed for the job. 'Architecture,' says the company's website, 'is a dynamic activity and life at Smith Scott Mullan is always busy, with  buildings being opened, new projects starting or design presentations being created'. They claim to have been responsible for some 150 projects, but list none of them.

All in all there is very little detail at this stage of the Pre-Application Consultation. However, a public exhibition at 20a Inverleith Row is scheduled for 14–18 January 2013, and plans will also be available on the Botanics's website from 14 January–14 February 2013.


A housing development proposed by Foremost Properties (Scotland) LLP for land 35m south-west of 132 McDonald Road (the site of the former Martin & Frost showroom) has now been submitted for planning permission (Ref. 12/03518/FUL).

As reported earlier this year (Breaking news, 10.5.12; Issue 207), the proposal is for a mix of 67 colony-style and flatted dwellings. A pre-application consultation meeting was held in McDonald Road Library in May, and drew a mostly positive response from 35 members of the public.

Concerns were raised by some about end-on parking, but the planners consider their provision to be sufficient and in line with Council requirements. Following suggestions by the Edinburgh Urban Design Panel, though, they have changed their original plans better to conceal wheelie bins on the McDonald Road side of the development. 


Unite Group PLC seeks to extend the period before starting work on the site of Shrubhill House at 7 Shrub Place (Ref. 06/05371/FUL) beyond the five-year period initially consented (Ref. 12/03738/PAN).

Representatives will hold a public consultation on the plans for student accommodation, shops and food/drink from 3.15pm–7.15pm in McDonald Road Library on Tuesday 20 November. Residents might like to suggest at this event that supermarket-sized retail units would not be welcome.

However, despite this latest flurry of activity, there is no guarantee that work is about to begin.

As befits the history of a site formerly best known for its public gallows (Issue 163, p.3), locals are very likely once again to be left hanging.


In Issue 211 we reported that L'Epicerie (underneath L'Escargot Bleu) was up for sale at 56 Broughton Street. A certificate of lawfulness is now sought to change the use of the basement (Ref. 12/03794/CLE).

The original planning consent (Ref. 08/01300/FUL) allowed a ground-floor restaurant and basement delicatessen. In 2011, a variation permitted alcohol to be consumed outside, and alcohol and coffee to be served in the delicatessen area.

In the latest development, a local entrepreneur, Jonny Bristow, is investigating improvement of the business by creating a 'charming and welcoming specialist licensed café/delicatessen' on the lower ground floor, specialising in pickles, pies, preserves and Port.


Sunset Portfolio seek permission to change the use of 22 Howe Street (formerly the Tree House furniture and accessories shop) from Class 1 (retail) to Class 2 (financial, professional and other services; Ref. 12/03795/FUL).