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Submitted by Editor on

An official report which is due to go before councillors on 10 February recommmends refusal of planning consent for housing on backland adjacent to 32–62 Broughton Road (Ref. 15/02335/FUL; see Breaking news, 25.1.16). 

It says the scale of the proposal for eight townhouses and associated access ‘improvements’ would not have a positive impact on its setting, resulting in an adverse impact on the spatial character and wider townscape. 

The residential amenity of both existing and future occupiers would be adversely affected in terms of detrimental effect on outlook and introduction of a public function into ‘what is currently a very private space’.

The proposal, says the report, does not comply with Policies Hou 4, Des 3 and criterion a) of Policy OS1 of the adopted Edinburgh City Local Plan and policies Hou 4, Des 4 and Env 18 of the emerging Second Proposed Local Development Plan and non-statutory guidelines. These technicalities are detailed in Section 3.3.a–d.

Road safety was also an issue, with doubts about sufficient access for fire service vehicles being possible on the narrow site. If the sub-committee is minded to approve the scheme, the report recommends seeking greater detail on this and on the local trees and habitat before reaching a final decision.

The report – attached as a pdf at the foot of this page – concludes that there are no material considerations which outweigh these conclusions.

Effective objectors

Some 105 objections were received to the plans, including ones from Malcolm Chisholm MSP and Leith Walk Councillor Nick Gardner, the latter of whom has worked closely on the issue with neighbouring occupants.

The New Town & Broughton Residents Association objected on grounds of detrimental effect on residential amenity, unacceptable residential development, traffic impact, water run-off from hard surfaces, and impact on trees.

The case will be discussed in detail on Wednesday next week as Item 7.1(b) on the agenda. Locals are meeting between now and then to take stock and prepare.