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City of Edinburgh Council Planning officials do not have a problem with the colour of signage used at the new Coop on McDonald Road, which opened this morning.

How wise. Jolly clear and cheerful it is too.

How very unlike the nasty 'bright green' signage of Real Foods on Broughton Street, which is an obvious affront to Civilisation and must be stopped.

[NB: Colours have not been manipulated, boosted or otherwise artificially tweaked in either picture.]











------Tweets (in reverse order)------

Broughton Spurtle: It was YOU who started on Hunter wellies/class. Spurtle was trying to free green lentils etc. from socio-economic shackles.

papa was a rodeo: glad to have found 's hot buttons: class and colour


Neale Gilhooley: Re the colour of Real Foods green, it is clealry not as intrusive as Primark's electric green, nor as prominent

Broughton Spurtle: Thanks to for lyrical thought on Planning:


Noel Chidwick: chortle!


EdinburghEye: It ain't easy being green.

Broughton Spurtle: There's nothing intrinsically 'middle-class' about non-supermarket food retailers in general or Real Foods in particular.

Broughton Spurtle: Heritage standards are political as well as aesthetic/academic: e.g. behind-the-scenes approval then disapproval of Olympic Rings.

Broughton Spurtle: Vinegar-faced heritage officialdom is as corrosive for historic cities as supposed lapses in good taste.
Broughton Spurtle: But useful planning regulations – like good refereeing – need intelligent, sensitive, pragmatic, case-by-case application.

Broughton Spurtle: Damaging fixings to listed buildings, where proved, of course need to be sorted out.

papa was a rodeo: does it come more middle class than real foods?!

Ally Tibbitt: No, only nice middle class shops shd be able to choose their colour scheme ;)


Ally Tibbitt: It isn't just a colour goddamn it! I shall fight to the death to defend the integrity of the planning system...

papa was a rodeo: so no colour guidance needed at all across the city?

Michael MacLeod: Exactly. It's so typically petty of this city. It's JUST A COLOUR!

EdinburghEye: So many "worst decisions" -when has any council ever managed to say No to a supermarket & make it stick? 

papa was a rodeo: now, if they'd done it Hunter Welly or Range Rover green....

Broughton Spurtle: CEC can't afford to contest many Planning cases; lacks teeth to defend wee shops.

Ally Tibbitt: Yes it's depressing isn't it? Perhaps we should abandon the planning system to make it fair?

EdinburghEye: Somehow ALWAYS get planning permission to do what they want. 

Edinburgh Council are OK with having a new bright green sign, but not

Broughton Spurtle: Points about conservation area/listed bldng true. But it's JUST a shade of green!

papa was a rodeo: sorry for being prissy but... the Co-op isn't in a conservation area either.

Ally Tibbitt: One sign is not on a listed building & has planning permission & the other not. Ppl want inconsistency not CEC

Michael MacLeod: Hats off to for highlighting this ridiculous planning situation

Broughton Spurtle: Can't remember that one, but in principle not against lemon either. Am pro-heritage, anti-mimby pimby architectural pedantry.

papa was a rodeo: were they being prissy about the lemon paint on Waterloo Place/Leith St last year too? Or is it just green that you like?

papa was a rodeo: prissy is the least of their sins.

Broughton Spurtle: True, but still it's just green. Georgians would have used brighter paints if they'd had the technology. I find CEC prissy.

papa was a rodeo: co-op isn't in a listed building...