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Only a few months have passed since the new pavement in front of Ziggurat’s student accommodation in Shrubhill Place was opened to pedestrians, writes Maria Hart.

But already, dozens of the slabs in that section are badly broken. [Spurtle today counted 176.]

Row upon row of them are cracked, some horizontally and others vertically.

Even one of the bike racks has come loose after the slab to which it is attached broke off completely [see photo above].

Whether all this is down to  shabby workmanship or the quality of the paving slabs used, or a combination of the two, we can safely say that the result is not something the developer, City of Edinburgh Council or locals should be happy  with.

And now – after ripping up the Council’s old, excellent-quality paving stones in Haddington Place – the workmen are starting to lay down what look like more of the smaller Shrurbhill-style slabs.

The worry, of course, is that the same problem will recur a couple of months after Ogilvie Construction have packed their equipment and gone.

Leith Central Community Council has been alerted to the issue, and we will report back as and when we hear more.

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 Corneilius Bell While we are at it.... Broughton st, is there any need for all the sandwich boards outside the shops?
It's became a busy single file st, and it's a busy road to have to dive onto to pass people.

 Paul Burgess And the shop units have raised doors and no steps or ramps.....
We have started crossing to the other side of the street to make the walk a bit easier and more pleasant... 

Maybe they could make the writing on the sandwich boards bigger so we can read them from over there.

 Corneilius Bell Dundas St, make great use of the iron railings with much bigger signage, more elaborate and eye catching, more likely to attract attention if you aren't so focused on negotiating pedestrians and cars due to the 'utter carnage' created by sandwich boards. It's chaos up there!

 Susan Robertson I nearly tripped when my friend stepped onto a loose slab and raised the opposite edge. She caught me before I fell. I am disabled and was coming from my car which was parked on the very useful disabled bay outside Sainsburys.