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Spurtle is as delighted as everyone else at the gradual return of Antony Gormley’s Six Times along the Water of Leith. 

Originally installed in 2010, four of the pieces were removed in 2012 following repeated topplings by more-powerful-than-expected floods. Technical issues have prevented their reappearance until now. 

This morning, we visited each of the locations in turn, and now report on progress for the convenience of readers too idle to check for themselves. 

The first Gormley remains serenely in place outside the Gallery of Art on Belford Road. It has always reminded us of a French Foreign Legionnaire refusing to spill the beans, although, of course, only the artist and the National Galleries of Scotland know whether the figure really has a bottom half being tormented by ants under the surface.

Some comedian has already dressed the newly returned figure at Bell’s Mill.

At Stockbridge, a regular trickle of spectators stops to pause and admire. Framed by trees, and sublimely unconcerned by the neighbouring bustle of market and junction, this has always seemed to us one of the most successful sitings.

Normal service has been restored at Powderhall, although such is the spring growth of flowers and foliage in St Mark’s Park that one has to look twice to catch him.

The Bonnington Gormley remains a work in progress.

And the white-headed Gormley behind Ocean Terminal is still a firm favourite with black-headed terns.

If you capture interesting images of the Six Times pieces over the coming months, we’d love to see them. 

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