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St Stephen’s Playfair Trust (SSPT) is a newly formed organisation committed to saving St Stephen’s Church as a significant venue for the community and visitors from further afield.

Its establishment follows the recent collapse of the building’s sale (Breaking news, 10.1.14), rumour has it to an evangelical church.

SSPT members now wish to gauge the level of local support by holding a public meeting in the building at 7pm on Thursday 6 February. There will be a presentation and discussion, followed by refreshments (see flyer at foot of page).

In the chair will be Dr James Simpson, OBE – a conservation architect familiar to many readers as a leading light in the campaign to save the Botanic Cottage (Breaking news, 3.12.09).

‘For the last 20 years or so St Stephen’s has served the local community,’ Alastair Stein told Spurtle. ‘The tower is one of Edinburgh’s outstanding landmarks and its clock has, until very recently, acted as a giant wristwatch for residents, reminding us to hurry up or slow down.

‘It is a proven Festival attraction. It is too important a part of what and who we are to let it slip from our grasp uncontested. The meeting on the 6th Feb will address what could, and perhaps what should happen to St Stephen’s and its future.’

For more information, contact or follow on Twitter at @StSPTrust

How would you like to see the church used in future? Are you prepared to put your shoulder to the wheel and/or your money where your mouth is?

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