Efforts by local residents to protect a substantial old lime tree on Northumberland Street North West Lane (Breaking news, 8.9.13) are gathering pace with distribution of a new campaign pack.
This sets out additional background details, relevant guidance and contact details for those committed to preserving the popular New Town landmark.
We reproduce the document and a supplementary list of material Planning considerations – unedited and in full – in the pdfs at the foot of this page. The deadline for comments to the Council is 23 September.
Among new points which appear in the document is an assertion that the tree dates from the 19th century and is thought by an expert arboriculturist to have at least 50 more years’ life left in it if left unmolested.
Campaigners are citing British Standard advice given to all Scottish local authorities in ‘Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction’ (BS5837:2012), which states that building so close to such a mature tree would be ‘insupportable’.
The owner of the tree is already in the process of seeking a separate Tree Preservation Order (TPO) from the Council’s Planning Department.