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Ani Rinchen Khandro is one of those who have been campaigning with remarkable effectiveness to stop the chop of trees immediately upstream of the bridge at Canonmills. Below she updates Spurtle readers on progress so far.

Following presentation at Holyrood of a petition signed by over 1,100 people (it was received by local MSPs Malcolm Chisholm and Marco Biagi), a copy of the covering letter was given to Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. Last Monday, a copy of the entire petition was also given to Leader of the Council Jenny Dawe and Chief Executive Sue Bruce.

Last Wednesday the email below was sent to Director of City Planning Dave Anderson who replied promptly with a more positive response, indicating a willingness to explore alternative methods to secure flood defences whilst protecting the trees at this much loved public landmark and precious green space at Canonmills.

This represents a welcome return to the original plan which states that these trees should be retained. (Mr Anderson's email reply is also reproduced below.)

There has also been a flurry of activity on-site with workers from Arup and Lagan looking into modifying their working methods to effect flood defence yet safeguard the trees.

This is welcome news, but until campaigners get official confirmation, they won't be celebrating quite yet.

'Retaining these trees would make a lot of people very happy,' says Ani Rinchen Khandro, 'not to mention all the birds, wildlife and countless creatures that depend on them. It would be a great Christmas present for all concerned, including the Council! Meanwhile, we'll keep saying our prayers.'


Dear Dave Anderson,

Regarding the trees along the Water of Leith at Canonmills.

Firstly, thank you for suspending the felling of the aforementioned trees while other options are considered. As you may know, our petition of over 1,100 signatories was received by MSPs Malcolm Chisholm and Marco Biagi last week on behalf of the Scottish Government. I also had the opportunity to bring it to the attention of Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on Sunday. A further copy of the petition was accepted by the Council Leader Jenny Dawe and the Chief Executive Sue Bruce on Monday of this week.

I understand that Malcolm Chisholm is arranging a meeting with you, myself as author of the petition, an architect and an arboriculturalist who are offering their advice. In advance of the meeting I just wish to assure you that we are not against the flood protection work per se. However we do represent a growing body of public opinion that seeks a modification to the current scheme that would protect property whilst retaining the beautiful and functional stand of willow trees at Canonmills that are such a highly visible and much loved landmark for both residents and visitors to Edinburgh alike.

We are seeking a compromise that sees the work proceed with minimal delay, but with a revised strategy for the proposed piling along the building gable and a review of the methodology for undertaking the work beside the trees. Please let me know when you are able to meet and discuss the above at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Ani Rinchen Khandro


Thank you Ms Khandro, 

I look forward to meeting you and exploring the options to secure a positive solution if at all possible.  

Kind regards. 

Dave Anderson