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Many people know about the concept of fostering and adoption – very few are aware of ‘Supported Carers’. Barnardo’s Lothian Supported Carers Scheme (LSCS) is campaigning to change that.  

LSCS is campaigning to raise awareness of the needs of young people who have left the care system and/or do not have a family home they can stay in. Supported Carers provide that home. In simple terms they act like ‘landlords’ or ‘hosts’ and offer a young person a room in their home.

Most of us can remember the advice and support we received from our family growing up. And most young people can rely on the support of their family well into their 20s with the average age of leaving home being 25.

But many of the young people leaving foster or residential care at 16 do not have the option of returning to a family home and face tough challenges on the road to independence.

LSCS and our supported carers will give young people aged 16+ that sort of support and the opportunity to live in an encouraging environment.

With a Supported Carer, young people will be able to experience stability and support to help them make the transition into independent living, and give them the help they need to prepare for the future.

Many vulnerable young people may never experience the kind of support and stability we take for granted.

In return, Supported Carers – who offer a lifeline to a young person –  receive an allowance from the charity and develop their skills. LSCS offers carers regular support, supervision and training, giving them confidence and skills to carry out their role.

Carers come from all walks of life and there is no upper age limit, but the main requirement is that they must have a spare room in their home, have some experience of supporting young people, and live in Central Edinburgh, East, Mid or West Lothian.

If you would like to be part of a young person’s journey, contact the Lothian Supported Carers Scheme; visit here or Tel. 0131 556 4583.

Alternatively, come along to one of our two open sessions being held at our office at 17 Claremont Crescent, Edinburgh EH7 4HX on 9 February, 6–8pm and 15 February, 2–4pm.