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Tesco PLC plans to open a new ‘local’ store at 30–30a Dundas Street.

The news emerged when the wheezing supermarket giant applied for planning permission to install an ATM machine outside Category B-listed premises currently occupied by And So to Bed (Ref. 14/02747/FUL).

So far as we are aware, this is the first application concerning the property since internal and shopfront changes were made in 1999. However, Tesco's planning for the future store layout appears to be well advanced already.

And So to Bed’s manager says the shop is entitled to 6 months’ notice to quit, but has not received any such order ... yet. There are no other premises of the same size available locally, so if and when push comes to shove they will most probably move elsewhere in the city.

Obviously, the concern is that Tesco’s huge economies of scale will allow it to undercut smaller independent rivals, making them commercially unsustainable, squeezing them out of business and so reducing consumer choice.

The manager at Margiotta’s told Spurtle this afternoon that they were aware of the development, and that an unnamed local is already preparing to start a campaign against Tesco’s arrival on the street.

However, it is unclear to Spurtle whether anything can be done. Similar concerns about the arrival of Tesco at Picardy Place in 2011 were stymied because the property was already in retail use (Breaking news, 24.2.10). Opposition to a branch of Sainsbury's opening on Howe Street later that year got nowhere either (Breaking news, 6.12.11) and the new arrival soon led to closure of a long-established business nearby (Issue 226).

On a more positive note, No. 30–30a feels like quite a long way up the street from the big offices at the bottom. The convenient proximity of small cafés and shops lower down the hill and close to pedestrian crossings may perhaps ensure their survival.


Meanwhile, Edinburgh-based KLR & RCR International Ltd have applied to change the use of 118A and 120A Dundas Street from retail to café (Ref. 14/02839/FUL).

Proposed works would comprise internal alterations to create a single 300 sq.m unit as a combined ‘continental-themed cafe and retail unit’. Locals are already dubbing it Dundas Street's 'super-deli'.

The KLR & RCR's planning statement outlines:

  • a luxury food hall supplying quality produce
  • a luxury wine boutique, with the facility to taste and purchase
  • a café supplying fresh coffee, teas, soft drinks and wines
  • a small cook supply shop and gift area.
Sale of alcohol would be subject to approval by CEC Licensing. The statement continues:
This will not be an ordinary food and wine outlet or shop. The applicants intend to create a unique high quality retail and café facility offering fine food and wine at a level which currently is not available in Edinburgh and nor indeed Scotland.
There will be an extensive range of very high-end quality foods, mainly continental, offered by fantastic displays and the highest levels of service, and with an abundance of product information provided by fully trained expert staff.
Food education and healthy eating will play an important part in the applicants' project, hence they intend to organise and hold regular events for the promotion of better food-awareness etc.
The business would employ between 12 and 15 staff, and proposes sticking to the delivery-hours constraints imposed in Henderson House Developments Ltd's original consent of 2010 (Ref. 06/00946/FUL), i.e. 7am–9pm, Monday–Saturday; 9am–6pm Sunday.

What do you think of the new Dundas Street proposals? Exciting, practical, overdue, appalling, unwelcome, intrusive? Let us know by email:  or Twitter: @theSpurtle  or Facebook: Broughton Spurtle 

@theSpurtle we need another Tesco like a hole in the head. I as ever will not be visiting.

@theSpurtle I am sure that Tesco will greatly add to the unique ambience of the New Town. I am afraid the CEC are idiots.

@Bailielife CEC's hands tied. If opposed to supermarket spread, most effective response is your first idea ... just don't spend money there.

@Bailielife @theSpurtle I don't make a big thing of it but nowadays I always walk the extra 9 yards and go anywhere other than Tesco

@KenWilson84 @theSpurtle yes, they are neither budget like Lidl and Aldi, nor upmarket like Waitrose. #blandgreedMotivation ‏@Motivationprobs  14m

@theSpurtle premier inn Travelodge nando mcdonalds sainsbury Gregg's cash generator pizza express clone city if council have their way.

@theSpurtle Going to object on licensing grounds if nothing else? Licensing forum are looking at overprovision in the centre.

@theSpurtle lovely. Always such an asset to any street.

@theSpurtle @CllrChasBooth Chas, can this be argued against - licensing basis? 

Chas Booth ‏@CllrChasBooth  1h

@jackedin @theSpurtle I wouldn't want to comment on this specific proposal Jack.

@jackedin @theSpurtle in general however the board needs to be satisfied that granting a new license doesn't lead to overprovision.

@CllrChasBooth @theSpurtle Up to individuals to object?

@jackedin @theSpurtle yes. Community council & any residents groups also at liberty to comment. NHS & Police may also do so.

@CllrChasBooth @theSpurtle Thanks Chas.

@theSpurtle if only it was Waitrose! #thenewtowncollectivelywailed

 Marco Biagi ‏@MarcoBiagiMSP  19m

@theSpurtle I will object on grounds of licensing overprovision, but I don't think the board are fellow travellers: …

 Marco Biagi ‏@MarcoBiagiMSP  20m

@theSpurtle However, there's also that it's not an area of designated overprovision.

@MarcoBiagiMSP @theSpurtle have they applied for an off sales licence? Doesn't say so!

@MTraill @MarcoBiagiMSP @theSpurtle Licensing is a separate app to planning. But its how they make their money.

@MTraill @MarcoBiagiMSP @theSpurtle Only one supermarket in city had no alcohol sales (following discussions with community)

@MarcoBiagiMSP @theSpurtle Board got their fingers burnt on South Bridge didn't they? Objected on grounds of overprovision but won on appeal

@MarcoBiagiMSP @theSpurtle They didn't think they had legal right to object despite Glasgow doing it

@MarcoBiagiMSP @theSpurtle Not yet....don't want to teach that point.

@MTraill @theSpurtle Quite. I'd be stunned if they didn't, as is so important to business model.

@MarcoBiagiMSP @theSpurtle its concerning you have planned a response to a licensing app before seeing it or even knowing it exists.

@MTraill @theSpurtle Then you're easily concerned.

@MarcoBiagiMSP @theSpurtle just surprised you can make a decision without knowing all the facts. Which you cant as you've not seen the app?

@theSpurtle Doesn't matter who objects or protests, Kim Jong - Andy will push ahead with his vision of what we need

@MTraill @MarcoBiagiMSP @theSpurtle I think the decision is based on us NOT needing another 'local' supermarket in the city centre!!

@theSpurtle Doesn't matter who objects or protests, Kim Jong - Andy will push ahead with his vision of what we need

@theSpurtle Excellent! These mini supermarkets are simply responding to welcome changes in shopping habits. More consumer choice!

Scott Reed These tesco and sainsbury express shops are crippling local businesses and I have seen many of the localcorner shops going to the wall. Local shops buy and sell locally and their profits are much more likely to be spent in the community than these big outfits who suck the money, not just out of the community, but out of the country to whatever tax haven they're using to avoid much needed UK revenue.

@theSpurtle @edinspotlight anyone visiting Edinburgh must think it's sponsored by Tesco local.

John MacDonald (email): Noticed that Sainsbury Local in Stockbridge finally forced the adjacent longstanding newsagent out of business. Yes (local Supermarkets) certainly add value to the local environment. However at least Tesco will get a taste of their own medicine when the new LIDL opens up across the road from their Canonmills store.

 Rhona Stewart Cameron Only heard about this this week and yet live almost opposite. No neighbour notification. Case Officer away on leave but didn't say on his voicemail. I eventually spoke to someone else at the Council but everything i asked was met by 'I can't comment on that'. All i wanted to know was where's my Neighbour Notification? Something stinks!