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Tesco’s plans for a new level/ramped entrance, railings, retail fit-out and other external changes at 30–30A Dundas Street have been consented (Ref. 14/02746/LBC; Breaking news, 29.7.14).

Neighbours had objected to the visual impact of new plant and fencing on the roof, an incongruous shopfront, and potential disturbance surrounding an external ATM and deliveries in the early morning. Our understanding is that they were at least successful in having the worst rooftop additions hidden from view. Tesco recently withdrew a separate application for its ATM, for reasons which were not made clear.

Some objected also to the unnecessary arrival of the supermarket in an area already well served by shops. This is a line of argument many people have deployed in Edinburgh over recent years, but it is not one which seems to have any relevance when the application is ‘merely’ to adapt what are already retail premises.

For related news, see also:

'Tesco wins the day – "Express" supermarket for Picardy Place' (24.2.10)

'Here we go again – another supermarket eyes Broughton' (22.2.11)

'McDonald Road Coop – reactions' (1.3.11)

'Crash, bang, wallop! Tesco deliver' (Aug. 2011)

'Planners recommend green light for Howe Street Sainsbury's' (6.12.11)

'Open letter to Willie Rennie, MSP' (9.12.11)

'Slippery supermarkets and City Planning' (5.1.12)

'Logie Green Road plan – Lidl licks its lips' (Sept. 2013)

'Logie Green plans still changing – Lidl by Lidl' (12.2.14)

'Howe Street closure - the when and the why' (Feb. 2014)

'Tesco knocked back on longer hours' (11.7.14)


Kingsford Developments is applying for permission to alter its already consented plans for 154 McDonald Road (Ref. 14/03751/FUL; Breaking news, 25.3.14).   

The move may partially allay the misgivings of parents at Broughton Primary School since two studio flats backing onto the playground will now be moved to face Broughton Road. In their place will go a ‘clubroom’ and staircase giving access to the basement gym. Three windows here at groundfloor level will now be fitted with ‘obscured glazing’ in the lower panes.

Agent Scott Hobbs Planning says that the change will:

... remove any potential for overlooking of the playground from these windows. Kingsford Developments is aware that this was a particular concern to a number of parents who raised the issue at Planning Committee, and is pleased to be in a position to address this issue.

In another change, the plant room in the basement would be relocated to the back of the building in such a way that access would no longer be from the playground. Furthermore, two new studio apartments would be created and the internal location of the bicycle store would be shifted.


Two illuminated signs proposed as part of the new hotel at 44 York Place have been refused planning consent (Ref. 14/03008/ADV; see H1 and H5 in photomontage here).

Officials found the proposal ‘introduces high level illuminated signage which would have an adverse impact on the visual amenity of the New Town Conservation Area and the Edinburgh World Heritage Site’.

Two other fascia entrance signs and a projecting sign were given the green light.


Do you have an opinion about a local planning application or decision? Let us know what it is at: and @theSpurtle and Broughton Spurtle 


@theSpurtle About time @Edinburgh_CC have a look at number of small businesses closing because there's now a Tes-Mid-bury on every corner

 Rebecca Bridgland HOW??? WHY??

 Obsolesence ‏@Obsolesence  1h

@theSpurtle Is that just up from the Sainsbury's?

@Obsolesence No. The Sainsbury's is miles and miles and miles away. On Howe Street.

Oh come *ON* @Edinburgh_CC - do we REALLY need another small supermarket on Dundas St!?? This stinks! No vision! cc. @beshabar @theSpurtle

 Neale Gilhooley And Sold To Tesco, with a Sainsbury's onky one block away, who is getting squeezed out?

 Obsolesence ‏@Obsolesence  1h

@theSpurtle Silly me. A totally unacceptable distance. Again, you have the right to try and stop the license if planning aren't bothered.

 Obsolesence ‏@Obsolesence  1h

@theSpurtle We tried plotting out SMarkets in a map for planning, one every 150m or something and they didn't flinch, despite it being a

 Obsolesence ‏@Obsolesence  1h

@theSpurtle meeting to discuss improvement of the retail areas in the city. They don't seem to mind big shop closing small shops.

@Obsolesence Who is 'we' and when did you do this? Was it some official consultation?

@theSpurtle Community Council. Planning Dept has an away day once a year and 3 years ago they spent it visiting all retail centres in E

@theSpurtle Since then there have been official consultation and masterplans. The supermarkets continue...

@sodascone @theSpurtle Here are the Councillors responsible for the decision. You have one or two on here. Tell them.

 That is crazy! They already have one in canonmills, and there's margiotta and sainsbury's about a minutes walk away. I bet glass and thomson and the art galleries will be delighted

 Laura Clifford Grrrr........another example of the Edinburgh council having no balls. They should put a limit to the number of supermarkets in the city centre and helping smaller businesses which make Edinburgh's districts so lovely.

@theSpurtle @edinspotlight Would be much nicer if @Waitrose would open up some Little Waitroses up here in Edinburgh. So much potential! :)

 New Town Flaneur ‏@NewTownFlaneur  2m2 minutes ago

@BrandPhD @theSpurtle Exactly. Why should I have to walk as far as Comely Bank for my buffalo mozzarella? It's not right.

@BrandPhD @theSpurtle @edinspotlight "Nicer"? @waitrose destroys indy shops and jobs just as @Tesco does.

@NewTownFlaneur @theSpurtle @BrandPhD Research council stipends must've gone up since my day...

@theSpurtle Shit. Another step closer to homogenisation & the corporate takeover of everything.

@theSpurtle Is Edinburgh the Tesco capital of Scotland? How many identikit stores are too many? What kind of city vision is driving this?

@AlisonJohnstone @theSpurtle no vision at all

@theSpurtle Need outrage before horse has bolted & been made into burger, not just Twitter fury every time new store already fait accompli.

With @theSpurtle and @TheBeerCast both reporting on planning and big corporates, who stands up for small business in Edinburgh?

.@sodascone @SRDorman @Edinburgh_CC @beshabar @theSpurtle check the planning permissions for loading restrictions, are there any? #noLoading

 Gary Kerr Disgusted

 Steven Magee There will be one of these on every bloody street in Edinburgh eventually.

 Lucy Sharp This is so depressing and really out of hand. When's it going to end?

@theSpurtle we need more #Aldi stores in edinburgh.Sick of Tesco bein my nearest main store!

About time surely, it's a long trek to Broughton Rd.. MT @theSpurtle Chorus of disapproval: Dundas Street Tesco: 

Becky T ‏@talloplanic  2h

@AlisonJohnstone 'Increased competition' supposed to offer consumers 'better value'. Favours the big corporations. @SRDorman @theSpurtle

Valerie ‏@musesings13  2m

 @theSpurtle @Edinburgh_CC pretty soon we can do ALL our drinking in Weatherspoons and ALL our grocery shopping in Tesco. Won't that be fun.

@musesings13 @Edinburgh_CC Not exactly, but convenient for all outdoor recreation in St Andrew Square.

@theSpurtle @Edinburgh_CC yes, with all those marvellous adverts for us to look at. Maybe weshould invite Disney to take over the castle.

 Rhona Stewart Cameron May'be it's time to start boycotting them instead of patronising them. I for one will keep supporting my local The New Town Store as they are part of the community. They keep an eye on their elderly customers, something i cannot see the staff at Tesco doing. They know the locals by name. They go out of their way to provide what their customers need and you can even get a nice cup of coffee in their little cafe. Who needs Tesco Land. If you can't get what you want then Margiotta is just along Northumberland Street. Lets make a stand for once and boycott Tesco.

 Katherine Hart Awful news!