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Submitted by Editor on

Tesco on Broughton Road has been refused consent to extend its hours for deliveries to 7.00am–9.00pm on Monday–Saturday and 9.00am–6.00pm on Sunday (Ref. 14/01866/FUL; Breaking news, 21.5.14: Issues 230­–1). 

Officials found that the proposed delivery hours could prejudice residential amenity in contravention of Policy Hou 8 of the Edinburgh City Local Plan.

In an Environmental Assessment, Council officials were not persuaded that Tesco’s proposal to police its own ‘Service Yard Noise Management Plan’ (in a document separate from any planning condition) would be enforcable: ‘Little weight can be attached to [it] given potential unenforceability and the fact that planning permission runs with the land and not a specific operator.’

This is a significant victory for locals and their political representatives. Eleven letters of objection were received, including ones from Mark Lazarowicz MP, Malcolm Chisholm MSP and Leith Walk ward Councillor Nick Gardner.

For reasons we have yet to find out, no submission was made by the New Town and Broughton Community Council despite it having backed objectors at its meeting in June. On that occasion, such supermarket hour extensions around Logie Green Road were described as a ‘race to the bottom’.


@theSpurtle I hate that Tescos. Doesn't belong there.

@theSpurtle This is the Finest thing I've heard all day.