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Expect street parties and heritage-compliant bunting.

City of Edinburgh's Planning Subcommittee yesterday voted to accept a new Pilrig Conservation Area.

The idea for the new designation started among local residents who feared recent changes in Scottish planning legislation could lead to, for example, proliferating extensions which would profoundly change the area's distinct character for the worse (Breaking news,

Following public consultation, the proposal won backing from Council officers, local residents, and heritage watchdog the Cockburn Association.

Formal designation of the new conservation area will follow ‘legal notice in a newspaper circulating in the area’ by October 2013, presumably the Evening News (if it lasts that long).

Readers may remember the Evening News’ authoritative journalism about this subject on 26 February, headlined: ‘Council chiefs say no to Pilrig conservation area’. We covered the subject more accurately in Breaking news (27.2.13; 9.5.13; and elsewhere). 

Are you in favour of conserving Pilrig, or will it bring meddlesome bureaucracy? Tell us by email on Facebook Broughton Spurtle or Twitter @theSpurtle