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Submitted by Editor on

Batleys’ half-baked proposal to extend opening hours at their 30 McDonald Place cash and carry have been refused (Ref. 15/02378/FUL).

As reported here on 2 June, they wanted to operate between 8.30am and 5.00pm on Sundays from 2 August to 7 September. 

They said this was to help customers cater for increased business over the Festival period.

Locals saw it as an attempted erosion of their one-day-a-week’s peace and quiet.

City Planning officials stuck up for them, finding the proposal:

contrary to Edinburgh City Local Plan Policy Hou 8 in respect of Inappropriate Uses in Residential Areas, as the operation of the premises on Sundays would result in unacceptable levels of noise and disturbance to the occupiers of neighbouring residential properties, seven days a week, without any respite to the detriment of their residential amenity in this area of predominantly residential character.

Spurtle is delighted by this decision. We join neighbours in hoping Batleys will belatedly learn their lesson and desist from such inappropriate efforts in future.


@theSpurtle We must rejoice that in civilised Edinburgh 'unacceptable levels of noise and disturbance' are only permitted 6 days in every 7.