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Little Bo-Peep is no more. 

The recent arrival who appeared at the end of Bellevue Place just before Easter was trashed by vandals last night.

We hope they felt sheepish when they sobered up in the morning. 

Her companion, Humpty Dumpty, went missing in the same attack. 

'So upsetting for the passing children,' says local Granny (Christina) Thomson.

She is the green-fingered nearby resident responsible for this display

She's also responsible for all the other more or less peculiar seasonal treats here which put a smile on local faces throughout the year.

'Such wanton thoughtlessness in our community.'

Right and below are photos of the pair in happier times.

Meanwhile, it's not all bad news in Broughton today. Pedestrian crossings around the barony have begun to be beautified by wind-rattled posters advertising the Spurtle hustings on Thursday, at 7.30pm in Broughton St Mary's Parish Church (Belevue Crescent).

If you have the time and inclination to display your own copy, please do. A pdf is available at the foot of this page.


 Local shepherdess in one-in-a-bed scandal:…/vandals-spoil-local-fun

 Amanda Livingstone This is terrible and I would like to assure Ms Thompson that most locals are truly grateful for her work.

 Janice Johnson Aw, how stupid and mindless. Thanks to Mrs T.

@theSpurtle who would do such a thing !!!! We love walking past to see who will be there ...especially my three year old vandals BOO!

 Will ‏@Popher 

Spotted in Broughton. Cheers, @theSpurtle

Broughton Spurtle ‏@theSpurtle  

@Popher It takes effort to get marketing that slick.

Will ‏@Popher 

@theSpurtle Heh, it worked!

Fergus Smith ‏@oldscotbooks Fergus Smith retweeted Will

All hail the mighty @theSpurtle! I'll try to go along

Fergus Smith ‏@oldscotbooks 

Fergus Smith retweeted Will

All hail the mighty @theSpurtle! I'll try to go along

Broughton Spurtle ‏@theSpurtle

@CityCycling @Popher Think so. Lib-Dems' Martin Veart may be unavoidably elsewhere, but otherwise all present and politically correct-ish.
