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There are exciting times ahead as we prepare for our first ever Diversity Evening celebrations on 10 March writes Drummond CHS headteacher Sue Cook

Our International Marketplace and workshops will run from 5.00– 7.30pm and will feature foods and goods from around the world. Plan on selecting your tea from Indian, Chinese and Fair-Trade foods which will be on sale, and purchase gifts from the many other marketplace stalls selling jewellery, art, etc.

There will also be stallholders discussing the work of charitable/humanitarian causes such as Amnesty International and Social Bites. Further to this there will be workshops, lasting 20 minutes, which people can opt in to.

These will broaden your knowledge of the work that goes on around the world – e.g. 'Beyond the Panda', which will be run by the Royal Zoological Society, where you can learn about the giant panda, geography, culture and language of China. This is particularly relevant to Drummond as we now teach Mandarin here and our first trip to China takes place in October this year.

There will also be other workshops including ‘An Audience With Sport Stars’ from Football, Rugby and Athletics, where speakers will talk about their careers, the diverse places they have competed in around the world, and the various customs and cultures they have experienced. They will also take questions from the audience.

Finally, from 7.30–8.30pm, there will be a Diversity Show featuring a variety of acts from around the world, or looking at diverse themes which will be performed by our school pupils, our cluster primaries and some of our community groups. A fantastic way to end a spectacular evening!

A flyer, giving even more details, will be given out to pupils soon and will appear on the Drummond website. Tickets can be purchased from the school office, at £1 for the Market Place and Workshops and £3 for the Market Place, Workshops and Show.

Please come along and support what is shaping up to be one of our calendar events of the year. Tickets for the show are limited to 180, so book soon to avoid disappointment.