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Susan Rae of the Scottish Greens was the first Ward 12 by-election candidate to confirm attendance at the Spurtle hustings later this month.

We bumped into her canvassing outside the Croall Place police box on Saturday, where she told us that overflowing bins and the lack of affordable housing were the main issues local people had raised with her.

Left Unity’s Bruce Whitehead and Labour’s Marion Donaldson also confirmed their attendance over the weekend. A stand-in speaker will represent the Scottish Socialist Party candidate Natalie Reid, who will be out of the country on that day.

The hustings will be held from 7.15–9.15pm on 27 August in Broughton St Mary’s Parish Church (Bellevue Crescent).

If you have a question you’d like to ask the candidates, it would help if you would email it to us in advance, along with your name and whether you’ll be present at the event. 

Our intention is to find time for a representative spread of topics, although of course there will also be room for spontaneous questions from the floor on the evening.

Email your question to us at:

A full list of candidates standing in the Leith Walk by-election on 10 September is available here.



Over the course of today, two more candidates have confirmed that they'll attend: (John) Lewis Ritchie (SNP), and Thomas Laird (Scottish Libertarians).

John Scott (Independent) rather disarmingly replied to our invitation as follows: 'Thanks for the invite but it's not really my thing'.