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Broughton's Colorado has downside

Dear Spurtle 

There are a lot of decent things about the Drummond Tennis Club [Issue 237, p.2], and in most ways they are welcome neighbours. 

And the snag? Despite comments to Club members working on court maintenance, telephone conversations with the Club secretary, and even appeals to the Council to put pressure on the Club, every time it rains heavily, the red clay surface of the courts washes off and into East Scotland Street Lane.

What bothers me is not so much the exciting and rather fugitive colour, as the fact that the clay will eventually block the drains, and walking along the Lane needs the talents of a Moses to part the Red Sea.

The drains have clogged repeatedly in the past, and water builds up in the Lane until it spills over into the allotments. At least the material used now is harmless red clay, unlike the red blaes which was used previously.

Peter Verity

(Scotland Street)


@theSpurtle As a Colorado native and Broughton resident that letter was disappointing. :(

@musesings13 @theSpurtle You may have your Aspen, but we've got plenty of asses.

@NewTownFlaneur @theSpurtle I assure you Aspen has plenty of asses, as well. Possibly more of them as well as and more horrible ones.

@musesings13 @NewTownFlaneur As a Broughton resident and ass, I resent that comment. Our asses are second to none.

@theSpurtle @musesings13 Indeed. In Broughton, Assandale & W Assandale Streets are particularly notorious for their high number of asses.

@theSpurtle The Colorado River is rather more eye catching than the Water of Leith unless in full flood.