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Crummock, hummocks and Shrub Place neighbours taking the hump

Dear Spurtle

At last, the huge mounds of rubble in Shrub Place are being removed. The site is up for sale and the owner wants it cleared by Easter weekend.

Crummock (Scotland) Ltd have used the site since January 2012  (without planning permission) and during this time shown not one iota of care or consideration for the neighbourhood. We have had to endure over two years of noise, dust and disruption. Eventually, planning permission was applied for (Ref. 13/01416/FUL), but by the time it was refused the site was no longer required for tramworks. A stop notice was also served as a crusher was being used.

After months of inactivity, the crusher has reappeared. Planning are aware of this, but as the contractor says they will be offsite this weekend no action is being taken meantime. It would appear Crummock can do what they like and get away with it.

In the unlikely event Crummock do indeed vacate the site this weekend, alas we will not have seen the back of them as they have won the tender for the next phase of Leith Walk improvements. They have made assurances that they will make every effort to keep disruption to a minimum during these works, but going on past performance these assurances should be taken with a very large dose of salt.

Liz Ballantyne
(Shaws Terrace)