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Let there be light

Dear Spurtle 

Now that Edinburgh Council has published its eagerly awaited final plan for the new road layout in Picardy Place (Breaking news, 18.4.18), I'm glad to see that plenty of space has been left amidst the cycle paths for the re-instatement of the much missed Kinetic Sculpture which once graced the centre of the roundabout.

I had thought that this had been long dispatched to the scrapyard, but recent discussions have revealed that it was stored in a depot by the council in 1983 and presumably could be restored to its former glory if there was enough public demand and, dare I say it, financial input from the adjacent developers.

As part of any restoration, sensible application of modern technology could no doubt ensure that it was regularly illuminated as originally intended by its designer Roger Dainton!

John Eoin Douglas 

(Spey Terrace)