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Lothian Buses – Hell on wheels

Dear Spurtle,

My life in East London Street is a never-ending cycle of disturbance.

Every night, I'm woken up at midnight, 3am, and 5am by the sound of buses passing my house. I try to use earplugs to muffle the sound, but I can never seem to find them when I need them. Even when I do manage to drift off to sleep, it's only for a short while before I'm woken up again. 

The days are no different. Even when I'm working from home, trying to concentrate and finish my tasks, the noise from the buses is a constant distraction. No matter what I do, I can't seem to escape the noise. It's like a torture that I can never escape. 

I try to stay positive and make the best of the situation but it's hard when I'm so sleep-deprived and tired all the time. I can't help but feel that if the out-of-service bus drivers didn't use this route, the 320 residents would at least get more peace and quiet and a better night's rest. 

It would be a welcome relief after 5 years to have some respite from the constant noise and disruption.

Ross MacCallum

(East London Street)


Spurtle learns E. London St campaigners will meet representatives from Lothian Buses on 30 January. All ward councillors, Deidre Brock MSP and Angus Robertson MP have also been invited to attend. See our coverage in Issue 325, published on 1 February.

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