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Making a stink with New Town pink


Dear Spurtle,

I see that the colours of New Town front doors must be ‘in keeping with the historic character’ of the area.

At least, they can’t be pink, but, going on the evidence, bright yellow or red ones are absolutely fine.

It’s not obvious, then, what principle or precedent is being applied here. Probably none. However, I’d like to suggest the following: if a colour is deemed acceptable for local trousers (most of which are remarkably historic in character), there’s no reason why it’s not also appropriate for a front door.

Incidentally, isn’t it interesting how it’s fine to clog New Town streets with non-heritage vehicles, and acceptable to convert kitchens into bedrooms and turn butlers into Airbnb hosts, but heaven forfend a porte en rose?

Petty controversies such as this usually arise in the Drummond Place area. This is because, being right on the edge of the New Town, residents here tend to overcompensate. Let’s not forget, they are virtually Leithers.

New Town Flaneur


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