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Dear Spurtle 

Golfers in Porty on Friday were stunned to find, nailed to the clubhouse doors like Luther's Articles, a notice from Edinburgh Leisure announcing the closure of the course at the end of September. No consultation with its faithful clients had been permitted. 

Edinburgh Leisure blamed poor usage for this decision (we'd like to see their figures). Had they promoted the course in any way – for example, spending a little money on signage –  the course would have thrived. Instead, they plan to use it for 'family-friendly' pursuits: football/frisbee golf etc. There's a high school right beside the course which has never used it.

Edinburgh Leisure have been planning this for some time, and this autocratic decision gives current users little chance to challenge it. Portobello Ladies are celebrating their 125th anniversary this year and the men's section was formed in 1856; these clubs play a couple of days each week, along with individual golfers who prefer a 9-hole course.

I urge Spurtle readers to complain to their ward councillors and MSPs.

Oula Jones

York Place