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Parkside development risks loss of seclusion

Dear Spurtle 

I recently attended the third consultation on the proposals to redevelop the site at the foot of Dundas Street, shortly to be vacated by the Royal Bank of Scotland [see Issue 250]. 

I have no particular difficulties with the building proposals although I imagine that others, more immediately affected, might. I am sure they will pursue their concerns with the necessary vigour. 

The main issue for me is the proposal to increase access to King George V Park.  The park, as most locals will know, is a well used facility – particularly by parents, their kids and dog walkers.  It provides a secluded place where people can, for want of a better description, meet and take their ease.

As things stand, there are four points of access – from Royal Crescent, Scotland Street, the walkway to Warriston and beyond, and Eyre Place. As I understand it, the new proposals will open up access from Dundas Street and via an additional point on Royal Crescent. 

The reasons for this are unclear. What is fairly clear is that this additional, and unnecessary, access will almost certainly change the character of the park. It will no longer be a secluded space but will effectively become a public thoroughfare. I should have thought we had more than enough of them already.

John Ross

(Dundas Street)