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Pinpointing a Pilrig problem

Dear Spurtle

In your latest issue you briefly reported a problem with a local HMO landlord (Issue 210, 'Briefly', p.2). However, brevity got in the way of accuracy: there is no drug injection problem all along Pilrig Street, as your report implied, nor are local residents and businesses 'regularly littered with needles'.

The problem is very localised on the Acorn Guest House at 24 Pilrig Street, owned by the Cameron Guest House Group, which also operates the Cameron Guesthouse on Hopetoun Crescent.

For the avoidance of doubt: this letter is not arguing against housing problem cases in residential areas. But there is a strong moral and financial case for making sure this is always done in a responsible manner. Serious or serial failings should be followed up not only with a slap on the wrist but – where necessary – by withdrawal of the HMO licence.

Harald Tobermann
(Pilrig Street)