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Postcode particularities

Dear Spurtle,

I am writing in response to the letter from Michael Worobec of 8 Feb, castigating those of us who objected to the new development on the RBS site.

I assume it was a real letter and not satire ...

Anyway, he describes us as 'welly booted, dog haired hippies' and that we should embrace this fine example of homogenous modern architecture.

For the record, I own neither wellies nor a dog (and as for being a hippy, well, I’m afraid I’m bald and only the students in our stair smoke the wacky baccy).

Looking up his postcode, I see he lives on Claremont Crescent. Firstly, that’s a long way from the site, with a whole other district between him and us. It doesn’t affect him. Secondly, Claremont Crescent is a beautiful example of an A-listed Georgian Crescent with central gardens. I mean, doesn’t he even have the decency to support his views on modern architecture by maybe living somewhere like Western Harbour?

Maybe we could come round and build a six-storey block of these gorgeous modern flats on the central garden. Wouldn’t he just love that? 

Maybe it was satirical after all. 

Dr George Baxter 
EH3 6QA (which actually looks out over the site)