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Dear Spurtle

Whilst it is always sad to see any business in financial difficulty, I
really am surprised at the column inches (not to mention the wailing
and gnashing of teeth) devoted to the present problems of Rangers
Football Club.

As the club is neither a major employer nor essential to the Scottish
or UK economies, one trusts that no public funds will be forthcoming
to bail it out.

If Administration is unsuccessful, it may well be that the public
interest is best served by liquidating the assets of the company in
order to pay HMRC what they are due. Selling Ibrox off for housing
development could maximise the exigible proceeds as the absence of
football crowds on match days would certainly increase local property
values to the benefit of residents and investors alike.

And, once grounds and players are disposed of, there will also be a
residual value in the Rangers brand which, if major clubs like
Manchester United are not interested, could be sold to another local
club like Celtic.

Yours faithfully

John Eoin Douglas
(Spey Terrace)