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Salmond must trump objection

Dear Spurtle

I was astounded to see that Donald Trump is objecting to the possible
erection of a 'monstrous' windfarm near to his new Aberdeenshire golf
course. His claim that our First Minister is 'hell-bent on destroying
Scotland’s coastline and therefore Scotland itself' reminds me of the
remarks made by the many NIMBY locals who unreasonably objected to his
golf course in the first place.
Mr Salmond's government was quite right to reject this kind of
argument then and should do so in this case where the possible
economic benefits far outweigh a few small changes to rather
indifferent scenery. Mr Trump's golfing customers are, in any case,
likely to keep their eyes on the ball and will be unlikely even to
register the distant sight of essential green generating
infrastructure designed to benefit all the people of Scotland.
Yours faithfully

John Eoin Douglas

(Spey Terrace)